We are located in the world's largest wholesale market, Yiwu, Zhejiang, known for international trade, where most Chinese global brands are made to international quality standards. Our versatility and professionalism give us an edge in import and export trading. We are thorough in proving comprehensive customer-centric, quality, and affordable trading services. Our leading products are fashion accessories such as bags, jackets, boots and shoes, cravats, ties, hats, bonnets, belts and suspenders, gloves, muffs, necklaces, bracelets, watches, eyewear, sashes, shawls, scarves, lanyards, socks, pins, piercings, rings, and stockings. We have corporate apparel. Our customers are reputable global brands like PRIVATA, ZARA, GLOKO, Walgreens, Kmart, Raiders jeans, CHEEKY, and Carrefour, among other famous brands.

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